


/Data Science and Analytics Essentials: Python, SQL, ML, and Statistical Techniques
Course | {{title}}

Data Science and Analytics Essentials: Python, SQL, ML, and Statistical Techniques

6 modules

English & Hindi

Lifetime access

<p>&quot;Master the Data Science Toolbox: Harness the Power of Python, SQL, Machine Learning, and Statistical Techniques to Drive Insights and Success&quot;</p>



Data Science and Analytics Essentials: Python, SQL, ML, and Statistical Techniques course provides a comprehensive introduction to the key concepts and techniques used in data science and analytics. This course is designed to equip learners with the fundamental knowledge and skills required to perform data analysis, build predictive models, and gain insights from large datasets using Python, SQL, machine learning, and statistical techniques.

Key Highlights:

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What you will learn:

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    ${description 1}
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    ${description 2}
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    ${description n}


Introduction to Data Science and Analytics

6 attachments

Overview of data science and analytics

Coming Soon

Importance and applications of data science

Coming Soon

Data science lifecycle

Coming Soon

Roles and responsibilities in data science

Coming Soon

Introduction to Python, SQL, and statistical techniques

Coming Soon

Basics of Statistical Techniques for Data Analytics

Python Basics for Data Science

6 attachments

Introduction to Python programming language

Coming Soon

Variables, data types, and basic operations

Coming Soon

Control flow statements (if, for, while)

Coming Soon

Data structures (lists, tuples, dictionaries)

Coming Soon

File handling and data input/output

Coming Soon

Introduction to NumPy and pandas libraries

Coming Soon

SQL Fundamentals for Data Analytics

6 attachments

Introduction to SQL and relational databases

Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Joins, subqueries, and advanced SQL techniques

Coming Soon

Data manipulation using SQL (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)

Coming Soon

Data definition using SQL (CREATE, ALTER, DROP)

Coming Soon

Database management systems and data modeling

Coming Soon

Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis

6 attachments

Introduction to statistics and data analysis

Coming Soon

Descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, variance)

Coming Soon

Probability distributions (normal, binomial, etc.)

Coming Soon

Hypothesis testing and statistical inference

Coming Soon

Regression analysis and correlation

Coming Soon

Data visualization techniques and tools

Coming Soon

Machine Learning Basics

6 attachments

Introduction to machine learning

Coming Soon

Supervised learning algorithms (classification, regression)

Coming Soon

Unsupervised learning algorithms (clustering, dimensionality reduction)

Coming Soon

Evaluation metrics for machine learning models

Coming Soon

Model selection and validation techniques

Coming Soon

Introduction to scikit-learn library

Coming Soon

Data Science Projects and Case Studies

6 attachments

Understanding the data science project lifecycle

Coming Soon

Defining project goals and problem formulation

Coming Soon

Data collection, preprocessing, and feature engineering

Coming Soon

Model building, evaluation, and interpretation

Coming Soon

Deploying and monitoring data science projects

Coming Soon

Real-world case studies and applications

Coming Soon


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Yes, our platform is designed to be accessible on various devices, including computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. You can access the course materials anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

How can I access the course materials?

Once you enrol in a course, you will gain access to a dedicated online learning platform. All course materials, including video lessons, lecture notes, and supplementary resources, can be accessed conveniently through the platform at any time.

Can I interact with the instructor during the course?

Absolutely! we are committed to providing an engaging and interactive learning experience. You will have opportunities to interact with them through our community. Take full advantage to enhance your understanding and gain insights directly from the expert.

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