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Emancipation Edutech Private Limited

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About the creator

  • Subir Chakraborty holds an MCA and M.Tech, backed by over 22 years of teaching experience.
  • Proficient in both Hindi and English, he ensures effective communication with students.
  • Subir specializes in programming languages, Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), and web architecture.
  • His expertise extends to a wide range of programming languages, including Python, Java, and C++.
  • With a deep understanding of DSA, Subir simplifies complex concepts for easy comprehension.


livesession | Data Science and Analytics Essentials Overview

Data Science and Analytics Essentials Overview


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livesession | Data Science and Analytics Essentials - Course Overview

Data Science and Analytics Essentials - Course Overview


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livesession | Data Science and Analytics Essentials - Course Overview

Data Science and Analytics Essentials - Course Overview


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Digital Products

digital-product | Complete Python Hand Written Notes


Complete Python Hand Written Notes

Available to buy till August 19, 2023



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Courses & packages

course | Core Python Training

Core Python Training

1 modules



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course | Data Science and Machine Learning with Python

Data Science and Machine Learning with Python

6 modules


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course | Web Designing Notes - HTML, CSS, JavaScript Complete Study Material

Web Designing Notes - HTML, CSS, JavaScript Complete Study Material

3 modules


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